É um Complemento para que seu Zombie Plague tenha niveis e você precisa Ter XP para "Upar" com Seu Frag.
zp_level_frags 20 // For each 20 exp to next level
zp_level_max 50 // Max level
zp_level_give_ammo 1 // Give ammo packs For new level?
zp_level_ammo 20 // Number Ammo packs? (if zp_level_give_ammo = 1)
zp_player_name 1 // To show the information at prompting by the cursor on the player?
zp_level_bonus_on 1 // Give MegaBonus Each X levels?
zp_level_number 10 // Each X level it will be possible to remove a bonus a command "bonusme"
zp_level_bonus 1000 // MegaBonus number ammo packs
zp_level_h_damage 2 // To increase with each level a damage on Х at people
zp_level_h_health 10 // People receive for each level additional Х healths
zp_level_h_speed 1.0 // On how many to increase speed of people with each level?
zp_level_z_damage 5 // To increase with each level a damage on Х at zombie
zp_level_save 0 // Save Type: 0 - Nick, 1 - IP, 2 - StemID
zp_level_info 1 // To show the information on the player when you enter into a chat info nick?
Added Cvars 3.2b
zp_level_type 0 // 0 - With Nick, 1 - IP, 2 - SteamID
zp_level_hud_type 1 // HUD color type: 1 - Team Color (Options), 0 - Random Color
zp_level_h_red 0 // Red color of Human HUD level
zp_level_h_green 15 // Green color of Human HUD level
zp_level_h_blue 255 // Blue color of Human HUD level
zp_level_z_red 255 // Red color of Human HUD level
zp_level_z_green 30 // Green color of Human HUD level
zp_level_z_blue 0 // Blue color of Human HUD level
Sma *Opicional
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